Dane’s Body Shop: Strength-Energy-Power-Wellness

Dane’s Body Shop in Hyde Park is not a gym. In fact, referring to the facilities as a gym is considered taboo by the staff and the shop’s members. Rather, Dane’s Body Shop is a place for core fusion exercise, strengthening, conditioning and overall wellness. Members are a part of the Dane’s Body Shop community, who form bonds with fellow fitness fans beyond the walls of the shop.

Visiting other parts of the world gave Dane Krager a new perspective, and he decided to share it with fellow Austinites. When Dane returned home from a three-month journey through Europe and Egypt, he developed “Fusion Fitness.”

Dane noticed an empty auto shop that was for lease on Guadalupe and was determined to rent it to pursue his vision. His years as a professional football player, (Seattle Seahawks, Minnesota Vikings, Rhein Fire and Austin Wranglers), gave him a strong foundation with which to open Dane’s Body Shop in 2010. The vision is working. Another Dane’s Body Shop is in the works for South Austin.

Fusion Fitness and the Highest Possible Level of Personal Wellness

Fusion Fitness is entirely different than the typical workout at the neighborhood gym; it is a creative combination of strength, cardio and range of motion exercises that brings each individual member to the highest possible level of personal wellness.

Each class has a maximum of 15 people to ensure that members receive high quality training. There are plenty of classes throughout the day; each class focuses on different techniques. Core classes are repeated during the morning, afternoon and early evening. With a variety of ingredients from metabolic conditioning, work capacity, strength training, and yoga, the mission is for members to achieve continually expanding goals as they progress during their lifelong journey of fitness and wellness.

Dane’s Body Shop also offers a program called Hybrid Fusion. Athletes in particular appreciate this “throwdown”-style fusion session geared toward those who want to be the strongest and most fit they can be. Another program, Developing Strength, helps build muscular strength through a variety of movements such as live squats, dead lifts, bench press and more.

Other programs include Nutrition, Lower Body Fusion, Fusion-N-Go Outdoor, Hybrid Fusion, Yoga, Core Body Fusion and Kids Fusion. Both personal and group training are available, and both include expert coaching to help ensure members of Dane’s fitness community succeed in attaining their goals.

Every first and third Sunday of the month, free Full Body Fusion workouts are offered in the mornings at Pease Park — a great way to introduce friends and family to Dane’s Body Shop. It’s a wonderful excuse to explore Dane’s unique (and effective) fitness program while enjoying the many splendors of one of Austin’s well-loved parks.

Don’t Just Join a Gym — Belong to a Fitness Community

When Dane Krager’s mission to create a community-motivated model of fitness came to fruition, the concept spread like wildfire; Austinites from the neighborhood and beyond wanted to become a part of what Dane had started. The atmosphere at Dane’s Body Shop isn’t just about physical wellness, it extends way beyond that to both mental and emotional well-being. With challenging workouts, energetic classes, inspiring music, and even more inspiring cheers, members are toning and tuning up while they havethe time of their lives. Working out doesn’t get any better than this.

Monthly and yearly memberships are available; A La Carte Classes are also available with 10- or 20-Session Punch Cards as well as Single Session Drop-Ins. Recently, Shop members and the staff started Wednesday Wine Nights and the occasional Steak Night so that everyone could see what they look like in real clothes. With a focus on individual goals and wellness, the sense of humor and passion to reach healthy aims is the common thread that keeps this community together.

“I hate going to the gym,” says Dane, “but I love going to the Shop.” And members agree. The shop is a way of life; a life many Austinites want to be a part of. From those who want to go mountain climbing, to those who want to strengthen their bodies for life, Dane’s Body Shop has a program and the community support to help anyone reach their ultimate goals for a better quality of life.