Today, Let’s Talk About Smart Home Technology

Improving your surroundings is always exciting, and I know many of you enjoy doing a little home improvement from time to time. But if your renovations both increase your home’s value and elevate your comfort and enjoyment while you live there, well, that’s even better.

These days, smart technology is becoming more and more prevalent in our homes. We’re all addicted to our iPhones and Androids; why not make our homes smart, too?

Let’s look at the impact smart home technology can have on our home values, and then we’ll look at some of the smart tech that’s out there!

Impact on Home Value

According to a survey conducted by real estate consulting and research firm T3 Sixty, more than 90 percent of real estate professionals said that smart home technology was a benefit when selling a home.

And while the chatter these days is all about millennials, the truth is that buyers of all ages like smart technology. The point of smart tech is that it’s easy for anyone to use, so even if you don’t write computer code for a living, you can easily figure out how to use home tech.

In my experience, today’s buyers, especially if they’re upgrading from an older home, definitely expect some level of smart tech in any home they’re considering. It only makes sense to get your home updated now, so you can enjoy it before it’s time to sell!

So Many Choices!

Those who’ve already embraced smart home technology are quick to point out that it makes their lives easier and more efficient. In fact, 57% of Americans say that having smart products in their house saves them about 30 minutes per day.

So, which features do homeowners (and home buyers) desire today?  Well, if you own an older home, give it a streamlined, updated feel simply by adding a few high-tech gadgets that bring added convenience, comfort, and control.

Smart Locks

Smart locks, like August’s Smart Lock and Connect, allow you to control and monitor your door remotely. Think of all the time you’ll save not fumbling for your keys. You can also give secure digital keys to guests. Should you choose to, you can also open doors with your voice using Amazon Alexa or the Google Assistant. A doorbell camera (like RING) helps homeowners monitor their entryways, helping to ensure only welcome guests are allowed inside.


Maintaining a comfortable temperature while conserving energy is of utmost importance to homeowners. Nest’s Learning Thermostat, the first thermostat to get ENERGY STAR certified, learns what temperature you like at what time of day and adjusts itself according to your schedule, saving users an average of 10% to 12% on heating bills and 15% on cooling bills.

Security Camera

Install a home security camera now to protect your family and add another bullet point to the list of your home’s selling features when the time comes to put it on the market. In fact, according to T3 Sixty, home security is the fastest-growing area of smart home tech.

The Arlo Pro 2 is a well-regarded security camera system. It works with Amazon’s Alexa and, being wireless, is easy to set up. When you’re away from home, monitor activity via your smartphone; if you see something that concerns you, you can sound a siren or yell at interlopers via the two-way audio.  

Smart Lighting

It may seem crazy to drop $25 on a light bulb, but the energy savings you’ll see from using smart lighting will more than cover that cost.

Smart bulbs such as those available from Philps, Lifx, Wiz and Sylvania can be controlled by an app on your smart phone, via Alexa or Google Assistant or even by using an old-fashioned remote control.

These are just a few of the easily accessible options in home technology that will make your home more comfortable, energy-efficient, and safe. Enjoy these upgrades now while you live there, and then you’ll have some great selling points when the time comes.

Maxavenue Staff