I don’t know about you but I LOOOOOOVE a good garage sale. But picture this…what if you could park the car and walk to a few dozen garage sales? That is the Plum Creek Neighborhood-wide garage sale. For someone like me it’s heaven!
Growing up with six brothers and sisters, garage sales were a part of our upbringing. My sisters and I loved rummaging through stuff and finding treasures. (My brothers didn’t seem to get the same thrill.) Looking around my house I still have a few pieces of furniture and some lamps that I bought in garage sales over 30 years ago!!!

Plum Creek has at least one of these neighborhood-wide sales every year and they are well…Crazy, but in a fun way. What would you expect to see? Pretty much everything. There’ll be lemonade stands, baby clothes, books and furniture. You name it and you’ll likely find it. A lot of us use the event to clean out their ‘stuff.’ I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Well this takes the age-old truth to a whole ‘nother level.
If you live in Plum Creek, you still have time to clean out your closets. The notice of the upcoming sale was the push I needed to get into my closet and clean it out. I hadn’t done it in over 10 years!!! I found things I forgot I had. I even found an unopened Christmas ornament my mom sent me a few years before her death. It was crazy!

You can see by the mess that I took the job seriously and you can see below how much better it looked. I’m still going into my closet and clapping my hands.
Neighborhood garage sales are just part of the fun living in Plum Creek. Whether you want to sell your stuff or buy something from your neighbor, it’s great opportunity to meet your neighbors, have some fun and of course, shop!