The Veloway: Austin’s #1 Trail for Bicyclists and Rollerbladers

Situated on more than 100 acres in Slaughter Creek Metropolitan Park, the Veloway is a 3.1-mile loop topped with paved asphalt that twists and turns through beautiful Hill Country scenery. The only one of its kind in Austin, the trail is exclusively for bicyclists and rollerbladers, with both slow and fast lanes. Pedestrians, motorized vehicles and pets are not allowed on the track.

From Wildflowers to Wildlife

In the spring and summer, both sides of the Veloway sport a beautiful array of wildflowers in bloom. As you travel the track, you may see the occasional rabbit, deer, roadrunner or squirrel dart across the pavement. See a snake crossing sign? The little guys — mostly grass snakes — are frequently seen slithering across the paved asphalt, so keep your eyes open while riding or blading.

The Veloway, 23 feet wide in most spots, is relatively flat with the exception of one steep, short rise. If you can’t pedal up the infamous hill, seasoned cyclists speeding by on the left will appreciate it if you stay to the right in the slow lane.

An Open Lane for Everyone

Whether you are a novice or an expert, the Veloway has a lane appropriate for you. You’ll see lean, spandex-clad bikers with their expensive bikes, as well as not-so-serious joyriders. If you’re traveling at a leisurely speed, with children, or looking at the wildlife and scenery, keep to the right of the white line.

The Veloway is at located 4900 La Crosse Avenue in Circle C Ranch. The trail can be accessed from Mopac, approximately one mile south of Slaughter Lane, or from Bowie High School during non-school hours.