The Pinnacle Group at Maxavenue: Austin’s #1 Consumer Champion

I always remind my team of top-notch professionals to unapologetically represent our client’s best interests and work to enable them to make the best, informed decisions for their lives. My hope is that from this experience The Pinnacle Group at Maxavenue will become a trusted advisor and valuable real estate resource for years to come.

Leverage the Talents of Others

My belief in business has always been: Do what you are good at and delegate the rest. In my 40 years as a real estate agent, building a solid team and leveraging the talents of others has proven especially valuable for The Pinnacle Group at Maxavenue and the people we serve. Relying on an expert team allows me to focus on navigating the real estate transaction and getting the best outcome for my clients.

When I started in this business, I did what all of the other agents did — everything. From installing lockboxes to drawing up contracts to meeting with clients, and writing the property descriptions, I did it all. But I never felt like I was doing a superb job. Look at any other industry. You wouldn’t expect a car company employee to design, build, sell and repair the vehicle. Real estate agents are a one-man-band.


That’s when I began looking at a team approach. I did it initially to address the challenges I had as a single agent and to grow my business. I was trying to be everything to everyone all the time. I hit a ceiling. In spite of my best intentions as an agent, being on top of everything became impossible. I needed help.

Over the years I have learned that working with a trusted team of experts saves me time so I can focus on the primary needs of my clients. I utilize Maxavenue’s Maximum Value Home Selling System® to stage the home both inside and outside, take professional photographs, maximize the home’s exposure on the Internet, and target the right potential buyers.

Evolving Marketplace

It was the mid-1980s and Austin’s real estate market had collapsed. I represented the banks and financial institutions in marketing their REOs (foreclosed properties.) I had plenty of business, but there are only a certain number of hours in a day. There weren’t teams back then. It wasn’t even in the lingo. The closest thing to a real estate team was a husband and wife.

So I hired people to divide the tasks. The lead agent should be the one who has the expertise to work with the clients and the ability to delegate tasks to the team. To manage the process and the volume of properties that I had to sell, I had to leverage the specialized skills of other people. My team managed the tasks and timeframes, and I managed the team and the whole process.

In the early 1990s when the market began to recover, I reorganized my team to take the same principals and apply them to individual buyers and sellers. I leveraged the synergy of teamwork and the division of tasks to effectively and professionally handle of all of the work involved and communicate to the clients. The system allows me to provide outstanding service to clients to represent their best interests.

Putting Customers First

There are an enormous number of tasks involved in a real estate transaction. With a team, I can focus on the client’s needs and negotiate the market better.  For instance, Maxavenue’s experts provide buyer persona and detailed community reports that create a highly targeted marketing strategy. Thus resulting in a faster sale for the maximum price.

I could be doing ten different things at once and the client will know I am not dedicating my time to them. On the flipside, I could over delegate so the customer doesn’t have direct access to me – their lead agent. In order for the customer to be put first, I believe that there should be a balance. The person with the most experience should be handling the most important tasks while delegating the remaining to the team.

I bring four decades of experience to the table and have closed over 4,600 transactions in my career. This knowledge allows me to see deep into the transaction, identify problems and head them off in advance. I also have the time to listen to the nuances of conversations that allow me to negotiate the best outcome for clients. Those little distinctions can make a big difference in a transaction. It is always my hope that we earn the customer’s trust beyond the transaction so that they can consider The Pinnacle Group at Maxavenue part of their team.

John Little
Realtor, Broker, ABR, CRE