September 2020

5 Key Elements of Preparing a New Baby's Room

At least initially you and your new baby are going to be spending a lot of time together in the nursery. While, of course, this peaceful place should be cute and colorful, you’ll also want it to be safe and healthy as possible. From choosing the perfect paint and flooring to finding comfortable and functional furniture, there’s plenty to consider. The following are the top five elements you’ll want to keep in mind as you plan and assemble the new baby’s room.


When it comes to decorating, one of the first factors to think about is paint. You’ll want to choose a color that’s attractive yet soothing. But even more important than selecting a hue is determining if the paint is safe for your little one. Because paints emit Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) gases long after they dry, look for brands that offer Zero- or Low ­VOC paint. Benjamin Moore’s Natura goes beyond zero VOC to offer zero emissions and no harsh fumes, making it a popular choice for families. While each person reacts differently to VOC gases, most parents, particularly pregnant women and nursing moms, would prefer not to take any chances.


Accidents happen and when they do, you want to be able to clean them up quickly and easily. Hardwood flooring is an excellent option for the baby’s room for a number of reasons. Easy to care for and clean, with proper maintenance, stunning hardwood floors retain their elegant appearance for decades. If you’re concerned about dust, pollen, and pet dander, hardwood flooring is preferable to carpeting, which can often trap and hide potential allergens. If you’d like the room to retain a bit of softness, consider adding an area rug. Not only do they offer a pop of color, area rugs are free of chemical-heavy backings and adhesives, making them a healthier choice. Because they’re not permanent, if you change your decor these pieces are easily replaced.

Air filters

Enjoy the peace of mind that goes along with knowing your baby is breathing the cleanest air possible. If your home features a forced air system, be sure your ducts are clean. Change your air conditioning filters regularly if you use window units. Additionally, consider placing a HEPA air purifier in your baby’s room to help remove allergen particles and airborne chemicals. The Austin Air Baby’s Breath Air Purifier, available in baby blue and pink, is energy efficient and cleans up-to 700 square feet using its multi stage filtration system.

Functional furnishings

Because you’ll be spending plenty of time in this space, you’ll want it to be comfortable, practical, and, of course, safe. Though a well-meaning relative may offer you a stunning antique crib, ensure that it meets current government safety standards before accepting it. A rocking chair or glider makes those middle-of-the-night feedings that much more comfortable but you’ll want to arrange furniture away from the windows so the baby isn’t tempted to pull on potentially-dangerous blind cords. Plug your outlets if the baby can reach them and anchor dressers and other heavy furnishings to the wall to prevent an accident once little ones start crawling and climbing. A well-equipped changing table is a must but be sure to store creams, lotions, and powders out of baby’s reach because you know a teething baby is willing to taste anything once.

Video monitors

While these devices were once deemed luxury items, they’ve become the norm because of the peace of mind they offer parents and caregivers. Watch baby sleep without potentially waking her by opening the door. If you want to zoom in and watch your little one breathe, try the Motorola Remote Wireless Video Baby Monitor, which wins high praise from parents for its clear picture and night vision. Warning: Watching is addictive and it may make you sleepy, too.